Cosmogene is your personal guide, from making sense of your skin's genetic blueprint , to gaining a deeper knowledge of who you are . We are committed to tailoring a complete skincare regime that perfectly complements your genes.
Order Cosmogene Kit. Your saliva collection kit will be sent to your address and typically delivers within 3 to 5 days. Express shipping is available.
Rub the oral swabs under your tongue and against your inner cheek . Allow the swabs to dry.
Did you know collagen makes up 70% of your skin. Cosmogene can help identify genetic traits associated with accelerated collagen loss – that can lead to premature skin laxity, poor wound healing, and a decline in the health and appearance of your skin.
Glycation is one of the leading causes of skin wrinkling. It occurs when excess glucose molecules bind to the skin’s collagen and elastin fibers making them rigid, less elastic and have reduced regenerative ability. Cosmogene can identify genetic variations that can affect Glycation production.
Repeated exposure to ultraviolet light (UV) accounts for nearly 90 percent of symptoms of premature skin aging. Cosmogene can help to identify your skin’s solar protection factors responsible for melanin production, pigmentation, blood vessel changes (broken capillaries), age spots and brown spots.
Free radicals can damage virtually any molecule in our body including the important cellular structures found in the body’s largest organ – our skin. Cosmogene can help identify your skins natural defences against free radicals, toxins and pollutants..
An oversupply of inflammation can have a negative impact to your skin. Often subtle, the signs include skin sensitivity, redness and irritation. Cosmogene can help to identify “trigger” genes that may lead to skin sensitivity issues caused by topical ingredients, perfumes, diet or environmental factors.
If you're someone who's just started to notice the first signs of ageing on your face, or someone who's already dealing with them, you know that it feels uncomfortable. Take a test and know the insights of your skin better!
Any Questions? Contact us at
+91 8125636972 or drop us an email at hello@cosmogene.com