Ever wonder why your skin becomes sensitive in the winter? Or why your skin breaks out in the heat? How about developing skin rash or rosacea after applying perfumes or skincare? Many of these redness and sensitivity issues are instigated by your bodies first primal defence – inflammation.
Your genetic predispositions play a big role in determining the supply, or the over-supply of inflammation production. Key variations tested in this category can identify numerous over-reactive inflammatory mechanisms that cause skin irritations.
Genes Tested
TNF-alpha and IL-10
A genetically triggered hyper-aggressive immune system can damage the skin from within. Inflammatory responses will be triggered by the body's immune system, and if they are too aggressive, they can damage tissue and accelerate aging.
The main cause of inflammatory processes in the skin is damage from the sun's UV rays. In most cases this is not a big problem, but some genetic variations can render the immune system too aggressive, meaning that it will damage the tissue even more. Genetic variation in TNF-alpha and IL-10 genes that are responsible for the aggressiveness of the immune system can bring about a hyperaggressive reaction and damage tissue.
Excessive inflammation is one of the most common themes in early onset skin aging. While it is a helpful response in the short term, if inflammation continues longer term, it can play a negative role.
Many of these redness and sensitivity issues are instigated by your bodies first primal defence – inflammation. A build up can lead to skin irritations, sensitivity to perfumed products, active skincare ingredients and general environmental pollution. These responses can manifest into redness, rashes and acne.
Genetic variations in this category can be used to identify weather you are at risk great risk of too much inflammation production causing unnecessary trauma to skin cells. The results of excessive inflammation include prolonged irritation, increased redness, and enhanced sensitivity to environmental pollutants and everyday chemicals.
Not sure what some words mean?
They can set the foundation for free radical havoc, increase cellular damage, cause collagen to breakdown and enhance skin sensitivity.
Released from everyday pollutants such as the burning of wood, coal, diesel, and waste, industrial activities, exhaust fumes and cigarette smoke.
If not broken down epoxides can be extremely harmful to the body releasing a wave of free radical mayhem.